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Page 4 - Biblical Facts

Page 4 - Biblical Facts

The Bible is the oldest and most popular book of the world. The Bible is the source of truth and life. The Bible is a typeface inspired by our Creator.

Why can we trust the Bible?

Unity of its teachings - the Bible at 66 books, written by 40 writers in a range of about 1,600 years. Were farther apart, not only the environment but also time and space and yet is not inconsistent or contradictory. This testifies to the God as the author.

History and Archaeology - confirms that the events about which the Bible says really happened, because the characters, nations and cities actually existed.

Fulfillment of prophecy - demonstrates the truth of the prophets claim that their message comes from God our Creator.

Bible - No one could come to more humane and moral message, before bringing the Bible and how Jesus gave his words and life.

Objectivity - The Bible is unique also because respecter of his heroes, but it gives objective information about their positive and negative sites.

Influence of the Bible - The greatest proof of the Bible are people who really changed the Bible. People who were evil, cheat, lie and murder, but the action of the Bible have become completely different - new people.

We will try to uncover you are Biblical stories and truths that are written in this book.

50 items, 4 Site to top back forward the end

What we believe - 2 Trinity

107_cemu_verime_2_bible.jpg 2nd Trinity of God God is one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the unity of three persons from eternity. God is immortal, omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign and omnipresent. Is infinite and beyond human ...
Added: 20.09.2010
Views: 144190x

What we believe - 1 Bible, Scripture

104_cemu_verime_1_bible.jpg 1st - Bible, Scripture The Bible, Old and New Testaments, is God's written word. Is given by inspiration of God through God's holy people, who spoke and wrote under the influence of ...
Added: 16.09.2010
Views: 171384x

1st Who is the source of life?

83_cesta_ke_kristu.jpg Our heavenly Father is the source of life, truth and joy. Beautiful country, did not wearing any traces of destruction and the curses of sin. The whole beautiful nature shows the ...
Added: 07.09.2010
Views: 142210x

Who is Jesus Christ?

77_jezis_kristus.jpg Center of the whole Bible is life and death of the greatest men of world history, Jesus Christ. Since its birth a new era is counted, even though he was born ...
Added: 30.08.2010
Views: 192312x

Why is there evil?

59_snake.jpg I'm sure you all agree that our country is evil. There are very strong and active. Where are they from? Why? The Bible speaks of rebellion against God in heaven. Torchbearer mighty angel ...
Added: 02.08.2010
Views: 178923x

50 items, 4 Site to top back forward the end - Page 4 - Bible facts and truths.