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Observance of the Sabbath through the centuries

True Decalogue


Observance of the Sabbath through the centuries

Added: 14.08.2011
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Topics: True Decalogue

A surprising cross-section of history that shows that God always had His people, who kept all the Ten Commandments, including God's day of rest - the Sabbath. He never failed to exterminate the faithful people and to suppress the observance of the law of God.

Brother JF Coltheart, evangelist Northern Division, 1954.

The following reports are the result of long and tedious searching and comparing sources. At last trip succeeded J.F. Coltheart evangelist, personally read old manuscripts and original insight into the sources of many quotations placed in libraries and museums of Europe, in Constantinople and the east.

Although the writings of the martyrs were often burned or otherwise destroyed, do have evidence, either from surviving records, or even opponents of the reports, that in every age, those who are ordained on Saturday, those who faithfully keep God's law, whether it's in Bohemia or in Scotland, where he was Saturday maintained until the 12th century. or, in Abyssinia, where it was maintained until the 17th century.

1 century

Jesus - Matthew 19, 16.17 - suddenly came to him a man with a question: "Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?" He said to him: "Why me question for good? Only One is good. But if you want to enter life, obey the commandments. "

4 Commandments - Exodus 20, 8-11 - Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. Thou shalt not do any work - you, your son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, an immigrant in your gates. In six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them, but rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it. Jesus - Luke 4.16 - When he came to Nazareth, where he was raised, came according to his custom on the sabbath day, to the synagogue and stood up to read.

Matthew 24.20 - Pray you do not run in the winter or the Sabbath day.

Jesus taught his disciples to pray for it to escape from their besieged Jerusalem was not in winter or on Saturday. The destruction of Jerusalem occurred in 70 AD (40 years after the crucifixion).

His followers - Luke 23, 56 - have returned home and prepared spices and ointments oil, but then maintained according to the commandment Sabbath rest.

Paul - Acts 17, 2 - Paul there as was his custom to go and three Saturday spoke to them from the scriptures.

Paul and the Gentiles - Acts 13, 42.44 - When he left the synagogue, local pagans are asked to them about these things tell the next Saturday. The next Saturday to hearing God's word brought together nearly the whole city.

Here we find the Gentiles who had gathered on Saturday in a pagan city. Verse 44th not talking about Saturday school in the synagogue, but says that he met almost the entire city. According to the 42nd verse begged for it to be allowed next Saturday again to hear the message.

The Bible talks about the old Jewish week, which is a degradation, but the Holy Spirit, which led to the writing of Acts of the Apostles about 30 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, alive by next Saturday.

Jan - Revelation 1, 10 - In the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit and heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet ..

(Mark 2, 28, Isaiah 58, 13, 2, Exodus 20, 10 is clear that Saturday is the day of the Lord.)

Josephus - not cities, nor the Greeks or the barbarians, or any other nation, which would not reach our habit to keep the seventh day! - M'Clatchie, Notes and Queries on China and Japan, Vol 4, number 7.8, page 100

First Christians century - Abraham's spiritual descendants fled to Pella, then, on the other side of Jordan, where they found a certain security and to serve his Master and sanctifying the Sabbath. - Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Vol.3, kapitola.5.

Philo - explains that the seventh day was a festive day, not only of the NEB that city, but the entire universe. - M'Clatchie, Notes and Queries, Vol.4, 99

2nd century

Early Christians - The First Christians observe Saturday with great reverence, spent the day in devotion and sermons. No doubt took this habit from the apostles, as well as some places of Scripture testifies. - Dr.TH Morera, Dialoques On The Lord's Day, s.189.

Saturday was a strong bond, which was linked to each other, just not following the observance of Jesus' example, but also his command. - Geschichte des Sonntags.

Christians second century - Gentile Christians from the holy Sabbath. Gieseler, Church History, Vol.1, Chapter 2

Early Christians - The First Christians Jews holy Saturday. After many years had a joint meeting, therefore, at which have been read out of the law. This lasted until laodicea Assembly. - The Whole Works by J. Taylor.

Early Church - is a certain fact that Saturday was taken up and honored (starting next Sunday's festivities). Maintain more than 3 centuries after the death of our Redeemer. - A Learned Treatise of the Sabbat, str.77.

2nd 3rd and 4 Centuries - Jewish Rite of Saturday was preserved from the days of the apostles to the Assembly laodicea (around 364). It is evident from the records of many authors and has been increasingly practiced despite a ban issued. - J. Lei, and Sundaj Sabbath, page 163

3 century

Egypt - (Papyrus Oxyrhynchus, 200-250 AD.) Just do the right from Saturday Saturday, you will see the Father. - The Oxyrhynchus papyri, London.

Early Christians - Saturday you have to maintain the honor of the finished work of His creation, not its maintenance, it is a day to focus on law, not laziness hands. - The Anti-Nicene Fathers, Vol.7, page 413

Africa (Alexandria) - After the festivities eternally valid sacrifice (crucifixion) comes the second party: Saturday, and all the righteous among the believers responsibility to keep the feast of the Sabbath. Belongs, therefore, rest, ie. Observance of the Sabbath, the people of God (Hebrews 4, 9). - Homily on Numbers 23, Part.4, in Migne, Patristics graeca, Vol.12,

Early Christians - Saturday the seventh day ... was consecrated in Christ, the Apostles and early Christians, until laodicea parliament in a sense, eliminating the observance of the Sabbath. - Dissertation on the Lord's Day, page 34 44th

From Palestine to India - Around the year 225 AD was extensive diocese and associations of the Eastern Church, that holy sabbath, and ranged from Palestine to India .- Migani, Early Spread of Christianity, Vol.10, page 460th

India - (Buddhist kontroverse 220 AD) - Kushanova dynasty in northern India has convened a council Vaisala important Buddhist priests to unity among them was about preserving their day of rest. Some of them were so influenced by the writings of the Old Testament to justify the start Saturday. - Lloyd, The Creed of Half Japan, page 23

4 century

Italy and the East - it was a general custom of the Eastern Churches, but also some Western churches ... It does not mean that the Eastern Church, or some other churches, which observe this day, added to the Jews. The Christians of these churches meet on Saturday because they profess and worship Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath. - History of the Sabbath, Dr. Heylyn, London.

Laodicea Diet - 365 AD - Canon 16 - on Saturday to be reading aloud the Gospel and other parts of Scripture.

Canon 29 - Christians should not turn to Jewry and Saturday to spend in idleness, but should work on this day. Day of the Lord on the other hand they should especially honor, and because they are Christians, if possible, they should work on this day. - Hefele, Council, Vol.2.

Orient and the largest part of the world - Christians in a very long time trying to keep Sabbath, or seventh day ... It is clear that all the churches of the Orient, as well as the largest part of the world to observe the Sabbath as a day of festive ... Athanasius describes that gathered on Saturday for a religious congregation, not because they were influenced by Judaism, but because they worship Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath. Epiphanus writes the same thing. - Antiquities of the Christian Church, Vol.II, Book XX, Chapter 3

Abyssinia - St. Ambrose of Milan's official report gives the Abyssinian bishop Musaeus, toured in the late fourth century, almost all of China. After him until the 17th century continued Abyssinian Church ordained Saturday as a day of rest according to the fourth commandment. - Ambrose, De Moribus, Brachmanorium Opera Omnia, 1132, Vol.17. strana1131. 1132nd

Arabia, Persia, India and China - Migani tells the Abyssinian Church (church, which retains Saturday) was around the year 370 AD, very popular. Her famous bishop Musaeus, undertook extensive travels in the east and strengthened the Church in Arabia, India and China. - Truth Triumphant, 308th page

Italy - Milan - Milan Bishop Ambrosius reports that he was in Milan, holy Sunday. Hence came a proverb: When in Rome, live Rome! - Heylyn, The History of the Sabbath-1612th

Spain - Elvirsk council (305 AD) - 26 canon elvirsk Diet explains that the Spanish Church at that time maintained the Sabbath, the seventh day. The post in every Saturday: It was decided to correct a mistake that should be every Saturday fast. This decision of the Assembly is in direct opposition to the Church of Rome, which defines the Sabbath as a day of fasting to reduce it to people and triggered resistance.

Spain - certainly not without interest that in northeastern Spain, near Barcelona, ​​the city of Sabadell. Located in the countryside, where he once lived by those who called themselves Waldenses, or Sabbatati, indicating sabbathers.

Persia - 335 -375 AD (40 years of persecution under Shapur II) - The most famous indictment of Christians: They reject the God of our sun, have their worship on Saturday, desecrating holy ground, because it bury its dead.

They reject our sun god. Do not introduced Zoroastr, holy founder of our divine faith, for a thousand years before the day of the Sun (Sunday) to respect the law! Yet these Christians have their church services on Saturday. - O'Leary, The Syriac Church and Fathers, strana83. 84

5 century

Although almost all churches throughout the world have the Holy Supper every Saturday, it refused to Christians in Alexandria and Rome.

Note on the previous Saturday quotation explains the word as follows: Do not forget that Sunday is never as Saturday did not state either the fathers or from historians. - Socrates, Ecclesiastical History, Book 5, Chapter 22, page 289th

Constantinople - The inhabitants of Constantinople, and almost everyone came together on Saturday as the first day of the week. In Rome and Alexandria, it was not. - Socrates, Ecclesiastical History, Book 7, Chapter 19

World - Augustine, bishop of Hippo (North Africa) - Augustin are reports that Saturday in his time was consecrated in most of the Christian world. His testimony in this respect is even more valuable if he himself very strictly and consistently maintained a Sunday. - Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol.1, page 353,354.

Egypt - Although it is generally customary in Egypt in various cities and villages, whose inhabitants meet on Saturday evening to celebrate the Lord's Supper. By day, do not fast. - Sozomen, Eccles-astical History, Book 7, Chapter 19

Pope Innocent (402-417) - Pope Silvester (314-335) commanded the first, that the faithful fasted on Saturday, and Pope Innocent (402-417), he made it mandatory for all law subjects him to churches, so that Saturday was not a pleasant day. Innocent consecrated the day Saturday at the post. Heylyn, History of the Sabbath, Vol 2.

Christians 5th century - The Christian Church is maintained by the Jewish observance of Saturday until the 5th century. Ancient Christianity Exemplified, Lyman Coleman.

France - In addition to evening and night worship is never lacked during the day, except Saturday. - J. Cassian, a French monk, Instituttes, Book 3, Chapter 2

Christians 5th century - Around 420 AD worked on Sunday, even the most pious Christian. - Treatise of the Sabbath Day by Dr. White, Bishop of Ely.

Africa - Augustine identifies with regret that two churches in Africa one observes the Saturday and the second in this day of fasting. - Heylyn, The History of the Sabbath

Spain (400 AD) - Ambrose holy the seventh day as a Saturday (as he himself said). He had great influence in Spain, where he also maintained a Saturday. - Truth Triumphant, page 68

Sidonius (Theodericha the king of the Goths, 454-526 AD) - is the fact that earlier in the eastern world's blessed Saturday and Saturday, worship, while people in the west Saturday neglected. Apollinaris, Epistolae Sidonnii.

Church of Scotland - had a habit that dates from the early - the monastic Church of Ireland that observe Saturday and resting from all his work.

Scotland, Ireland - We see here the continuity of the practice early - the monastic Church of Ireland, that the day of rest was maintained on Saturday. - History of the Catholic Church in Scotland, Vol.1, by Catholic historian Bellesheima.

Scotland - Columban - worked 34 years in Scotland before his death, on Saturday, 9 June said to his pupil Diermitovi: This day is a Saturday, a day of rest, and for me it is really a day of rest, because they make an end of all my work and efforts. - Butler, Lives of the Saints, Vol.1, 597 AD

Columban - (Dr. Butler: The Story of his death) - The writer of the best work of life Columban says, inter alia: Our Saturday. The custom of calling the first day of the week day of rest, began only about a thousand years later. Adamnan, Life of Columba, the 230th page

7 century

Scotland and Ireland - JC Moffat, a professor of church history in Princentonu says: In Ireland and Scotland, were common in earlier times, observe the Sabbath as a day of rest. The fourth commandment, the seventh day of the week, keep literally. - The Church in Scotland, the party used a Latin Bible 140.Kelts, but it was not the Vulgate. Sabbath as a holy day of rest.

Sunday used to have some special worship assembly. Flick, The Rise of the Mediaeval Church.

Rome, Pope Gregory I (590-604 AD) wrote against the Roman citizens who forbid all the work on Saturday. - Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol.XIII, strana.131. Gregory, bishop by the grace of God, his beloved sons the Roman citizens: I heard that certain men of the rebellious spirit, extending between you the wrong things that are in opposition to the holy faith, and prohibit work on Saturday. I can not be called otherwise than messengers of the Antichrist. - Personal Data Sheet.

Pope Gregory I said that when the Antichrist comes, he will keep the Sabbath as a day of rest. - Epistles of Gregory I, number1. The same Pope sent out an official statement against a certain part of the city of Rome, because there the faithful observe Saturday and Saturday worship God. - Epistles of Gregory I, Number 1

8 century

The council Friaulsk, Italy (791 for Christ. / canon / 13) - commands all Christians to observe the Lord's Day, not to honor the previous Saturday, but ONU holy night, which was the first day of the week called the Lord's Day. Speaking on Saturday, is the date on which maintain the Jews, we mean the last day of the week, which also keep our farmers. . . - Mansi, 13, 851st

The council Liftinsk, Belgium - (745 AD. Visited Boniface) - The third speech council warns against the observance of Sabbath and refers to the assembly laodicea. - Hefele, History of Councils.

Persia and Mezopotanie - The hills of Persia and the Tigris and Euphrates valleys hymns were heard. Reaped the harvest and pay tithes. On Saturday, rushed to their churches, to pray to God. - Realencyclopaedie für Protestantische theology und Kirche.

India, China and Persia - observance of the Sabbath as the seventh day of the week was very widespread and entrenched among the faithful of the Eastern Church and the Church of St. Thomas in India, who never were connected with Rome. Saturday also keep those people who were liberated after the Council chalcedonsk from Rome, namely, Abyssinians, Jakobits, Maronites and Armenians. - Schaff-Herzog, The New Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.

China - 781 AD - R.781 after Christ was made of marble, a famous Chinese monument that tells of the expansion of Christianity in China at that time. This inscription contains 763 words, was unearthed near the city of Changan in 1625 and is now stored in the Forest of Tablets in Changan. The following excerpt shows that the observance of the Sabbath: the seventh day we bring our sacrifice. Previously, however, was purified our hearts, and we have forgiveness of sins. This perfect and wonderful religion is difficult to identify; his brilliant guidance, however, illuminates the darkness. - Christianity in China, M. 1 'Abbe Huc, Vol.I, chapter 2, page 48.49.

9 century

Bulgaria - Bulgaria was during the early period of his evangelism taught that on Saturday does not perform any work. - Responsa Nicolai Papa I et Con-Consulta Bulgarorum, Respensum 10th

Bulgarians were used to observe Saturday. Pope Nicholas writes against this practice. (Reply Pope Nicholas I to the letter of the reigning Prince of Bulgaria, Bogarise): Question 6 - Swimming is permitted on Sundays. Question 10 - On Sunday, people stay away from work, but not on Saturday. Hefele, 4346 - 352nd

Constantinople - (Photius, Constantinopolitan patriarch, accuses the papacy): Contrary to dictate canon Bulgarians to fasting on Saturday. - Photius from kard.Hergenrotha, 1.Poznámka: The Papacy and the pavement is constantly trying to Saturday fell into disfavor, so insisted that everyone in this day of fasting. In this way the people wanted to go to Sunday, the first day of the week, which has already received Rome.

India, Abyssinia - observance of the Sabbath on the seventh day was very widespread and firmly rooted among the faithful of the Eastern Church and the St. Thomas Christians in India. Also keep Abyssinians Saturday.

Bulgaria - In the 9th century Pope Nicholas I sent the ruling prince of Bulgaria a long document in which they are encouraged to postpone work on Sunday, not Saturday. Supreme head of the Greek Church is angry at the interference of the papacy to their cause, and spoke of the papacy kladbu. - Truth Triumphant, page 232

10 century

Scotland - worked on Sunday and Saturday observe Sabbath according to the rules. - A History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation., Vol.I, page 96

The Eastern Church - Kurdistan - Nestorian do not eat pork, and keep Saturday. Auricular confession do not recognize, and does not believe in purgatory. - Schaff-Herzog, The New Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.

Waldenses - And since not kept any other day only on Saturday, they called people without rest, which means that many, if not kept no Sabbath. Luther - Fore-Runners, page 8.7

Roman - Catholic writers are trying to deny the Apostolic origin Waldenses order to prove that the Roman Church is the only apostolic church and all others have a later basis. For this reason, claims that the Waldenses thank for its origin to its founder Peter Valdusov of the 12th century.

Dr.Petr Allix writes: On this occasion, some Protestants have been caught in a trap. . . It's a huge mistake to believe that this church was founded by Petr Valdus ... It's nothing but pure lies. - Ancient Church of Piedmont, Oxford, 1821.

It is true that this name gave Valdus Valley residents. Long before they were called Waldenses or Vaudes by valleys in which they lived. - Ancient Church of Piedmont, Oxford, 1821.

Peter was also called Waldo Valdus or because they took their religious opinions from the inhabitants of these valleys. - History of the Christian Church, William Jones, Vol.II.

11th century

Scotland - In their view, was Saturday, right on the day of rest, which did not engage in work .- Celtic Scotland, Vol 2.

They worked on Sunday, and Saturday, keep the commandments. These things Margaret removed. - A History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation, Vol.1.

Reluctant to give the Lord's day of honor and performed an obligatory daily work, as in other days. Queen Margaret is teach in different ways, it's against the law. She said: Be in awe of the Lord's Day, because on this day the Lord rose from the dead. The awareness that we have this day been freed from the bondage of Satan, Do not perform any rough work. Venerable Pope Gregory testified the same. - Life of Saint Margaret (the British Museum Library).

Urged them to have given due respect at Lord's, seemed, in fact, that in this case followed the original custom of the Irish Church and the holy Sabbath, a day of rest and refrain from work. - Skene, Celtic Scotland, Vol 2.

Scotland and Ireland - T. Ratcliffe Barnett writes in his book on the fervent Catholic queen of Scotland, who in 1060 first called her brothers to the destruction Columbanovy. He writes: In this case, the Scots are likely to follow the old custom of the Irish Church, who blessed the Sabbath as a day of rest instead of Sunday. - Barnett, Margaret of Scotland: Queen and Saint.

The council Clermon - During the first crusade, Pope Urban II ordered. Clermon at the Council (in 1095 AD) that was removed Saturday to honor the Virgin Mary. - History of the Sabbath.

Constantinople - Because We observe Saturday, the Jews and the Lord's Day with us, this habit resemble the Nazarene sect. (Nazarene was a Christian denomination.) Migne, Latin Patristics, Vol.145, also Hergenroether, Photius, Vol.3.

Greek Church - As everyone knows, is subject to observance of the Sabbath sharp struggle between the Greek and Roman churches. (The Greek Church split from Rome in the 1054th) - Neale, A History of the Holy Eastern Church, Vol.1.

12th century

Lombardy - In Lombardy sabbatize traces were found Saturday in the days of Gregory I. and Gregory VII. - With Strong's Cyclopaedia, I.

Waldenses - Robinson reports on Waldenses living in the Alps, who were also called sabbathers - (Sabbatati). They are so called because the holy Sabbath. - Blair, History of the Waldenses, Vol.1.

The documents were found explanations Waldenses the Ten Commandments from the 1120th There is a recommended observance of the Sabbath and the delay from secular work. - General History of the Baptist Denomination, Vol.II.

Spain - Alphonso, King of Aragon, ... all archbishops, bishops, and all other ... Now we command you, to heretics, and the Waldenses sabbathers - Sabbatati were banished from the face of God and all Catholics, and banished from the kingdom. - Marianae, Praefatio, in Luca Tudensem, in Bibliotheca Macima Veterum floors, Vol.25.

Wales - is much evidence that Saturday in Wales was generally maintained until the year 1115 AD, that is, until he was to Wed David called the first Bishop of Rome. Old Church in Wales, which observe Saturday, but even then not bowed their knees before Rome, but resorted to their secret hideouts. - Lewis, Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America, Vol.1.

France - For twenty years Peter de Bruys stirred southern France. Pointed particularly to the day of rest, which was then maintained the Celtic church, sect, and a large Pavlovce Eastern Churches, is the seventh day of the fourth commandment.

Passagii - sabbatize - Papal writer writes Bonacursus Passagii against this: Not a few of those who know the mistakes people called Passagii ... It teaches that we observe Saturday. And to her errors magnified, condemn and reject all the church fathers and even the Roman Church. - D'Acher, Spicilegium, I. f.211-214

Hungary, France, England, Italy, Germany - (In relation to sabbatize called Passagii) Enlargement of heretics at this time is almost unbelievable. We meet with them from Bulgaria to the Ebro, from northern France to the Tiber, yes, everywhere. Entire countries like Hungary and southern France, in front of them are uncertain, in many other countries there are too much, trying to gain ground in Germany, Italy, Holland and even England. - Dr.Hahn, History of heretics, 1st

13th century

Waldenses - They say that the late Pope Sylvester was the Antichrist, because in his letter Paul described as the son of perdition. They also say that it is sanctifying Saturday. - Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient zu Piedmont.

France - What inquisitor say: The sign of death Waldenses been following Jesus and obedience - God's commandments. History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, HCLea, Vol.1.

Heresy Waldenses or those unfortunate people of Lyons is a long term, some say dates back to the time of Pope Sylvester, others even says that until the time of the Apostles. - The Roman Inquisitior, Reinerus Sacha, the year 1230 ...

Pope Innocent III. Sent to France, Dominican inquisitors, to completely wiped out heretics, and the Crusaders, who carried with them the assurance that anyone who joins them in an expedition against Albigens will be forgiven all sins. - The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol.XII, Raymond VI.

Thousands of people, God was the Inquisition tortured to death, buried alive, burned or chopped to pieces. In the city of Beziers plundering soldiers asked the Catholic leaders, for they know what a heretic. Arnold of Citeaux Abt said: Kill everything, but the Lord knows who are his. - History of the Inquisition.

France - King Louis IX in 1220, made public by statute Cupientes, where he undertakes to cleanse southern France from heretics, as they were called sabbatize Saturday.

France - council of Toulouse, the 229th Canon 3 - let the rulers different districts can thoroughly search the villas, houses and forests and destroying hideouts of heretics. Canon 14 - laity must have either the Old or New Testament. - Hefele 5, 981, 982nd

Europe - Pavlovce, Petrobusani, Passagii, Waldenses, sabbathers - they were big companies sabbatize until the year 1250 AD.

PASSAGII - Dr. Hahn writes: When you refer regarding the ordination Passagii Saturday to 4. commandment, Roman priests match: Saturday is the holy symbol of eternal rest.

Mongolia - Mongol conquests did not affect the Eastern Church in the consecration of Saturday, on the contrary, a number of Mongol princes and the large number of Mongolian queens were members of the Church.

14th century

Waldenses - We honor the one God who can help us, and not deceased saints; We observe the Sabbath as a day of rest. - Luther's Fore-runners.

Sobotáři - For centuries the evangelical society called sabbathers - Sabbatati because they observe Sabbath, especially the Waldenses. - Gui, Manuel d'Inquisiteur.

England, Netherlands, Czech Republic - We have written to sabbathers (sabbatize) in Bohemia, Transylvania, England and Holland in the years 1250 to 1600 AD. - Wilkinson.

Bohemia - in 1310 - R.1310, two hundred years before Luther's theses, reports the Bohemian quarter of the population of the Czech brothers, were in connection with Waldenses, which was much in Austria, Lombardy, Bohemia, north Germany, Thuringia, Brandenburg and Moravia. Erasmus emphasizes how thoroughly observe Saturday Bohemian Waldenses. - Armitage, A History of the Baptists; Cox, The Literature of the Sabbath Question, Vol.2.

Norway - Also, as the Catechism of the 14th century is written, this Saturday's commandment: Do not forget to sanctify the seventh day. - The Documents and Studies Concerning the History of the Lutheran Catechism in the Nordish Churches.

Priests urged people to observe the Sabbath as a day of rest. - Theological Periodical dicals for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Norway, Vol.I., Oslo.

15th century

Bohemia - Erasmus shows that about 1,500 Czechs not only consciously justifies Saturday, but they are also called sabbathers - (Sabbatati). - Cox, The Literature of the Sabbath Question, Vol.2.; Truth Triumphant.

Norway - Church Assembly on August 22, 1435 in Bergen, Norway. The first point discussed the observance of the Sabbath. The Archbishop had heard that in different parts of the kingdom are those who justify the Saturday. As is clearly evident canon law, is strictly forbidden to anyone, maintain or take other holidays than were enacted by the pope, archbishop, or bishops. - The History of the Norwegian Church under Catholicisms, R. Keyser, Vol.II. Oslo 1858th

We were informed that in different parts of the Kingdom are the people who received the observance of the Sabbath, and it justifies. It is strictly forbidden - in holy church canon - to keep other days than those dictated by the pope, archbishop, or bishops.

Rite of Saturday may not be for the future under any circumstances be tolerated. We therefore recommend to all friends of God throughout Norway, who want to be obedient to the Holy Church to renounce evil consecration Saturday; others under strict ecclesiastical penalties forbid ordination Saturday. - Dip.Noiveg.7, 397th

Norway, 1436 (Church Conference in Oslo) - Under the strict punishments are prohibited by sanctifying Saturday that someone stayed away from work. - History of the Norwegian Church.

France - Waldenses - French King Louis XII (1498-1515) was informed by the enemies of the Waldenses commit ugly crimes. So he sent General Inquisitor and a certain doctor of the Sorbonne, to see this thing. When the two returned, told the Assembly that visited all Waldenses, but there found no traces of the crimes attributed to them. Conversely, the world on Saturday, kept the baptism according to the way the early church and their children are taught the principles of faith and God's commandments. The king accepted this report and confirmed by oath, that the Waldenses are better than him or his people. - History of the Christian Church, Vol.II, London, the 1818th

India - were separated from the western world, and therefore did not know a lot of innovations that were introduced by various councils. But when they were asked to worship Mary, said: We are not Christians and idolaters.

16th century

England - During the reign of Queen Elizabeth's understanding of many - as happened recently in the Czech Republic - that the fourth commandment does not prompt for the consecration of the first day, but especially seventh Day week. Chambers Enzyklopedie, Sabbath, Vol.8.

Russia (the council in Moscow, 1503) - The defendants were brought sabbathers, publicly confessed to the new faith, and defended it. The most famous of them, Secretary of State Kuritzyn, Ivan Maximow, Kassian, the monastery in Novgorod, were condemned to death. They were burned publicly in cages on December 27, 1503 in Moscow. - H. Sternberfi, History of the Jews, Leipzig, (1873).

Sweden - long tried to keep Saturday. They were punished even small things that strengthen ordained Saturday. - Bischof Anjou, Svenska Kirkans Historia efter motet and Upsala.

Lichtenstein - sabbathers - (Sabbatati) teaches that Saturday must be maintained and continued. They say that Sunday is the Pope's invention. - Refutation of Sabbath, the 1599th

Bohemia (Czech Brethren) - Dr.R.Cox writes: From the writings of the early Reformation Erasmus is evident that in Bohemia were sabbathers (Sabbatati) who observe Saturday only, but - as has been said - take care that the most careful observance of this day. - Literature of the Sabbath Question, Cox, Vol.II.

Germany - Dr.Eck, opponents of the reformers - Whatever it is, the Church from its position of power without the Holy Scriptures to change religious observance from Saturday to Sunday. Dr. Eck, Enchiridion, the 1533rd

Europe - Around 1520, they found many sabbathers (Sabbatati) refuge in the noble estate of Lichtenstein Leonerda because Liechtenstein princes also blessed right Saturday. - History of the Sabbath, J.N. Andrews.

India - Known Franzis Xavier Jesuit was commissioned in 560 by the Inquisition in Goa, India, to Jewish checked malignancy (ordination Saturday). Adeney, The Greek and Eastern Church.

Norway - 1544 - Some of you keep the Sabbath, even though it is forbidden. Deserve severe punishment. Who will be caught in observance of the Sabbath, they must pay a fine of 10 marks. - History of King Christian the Third, Niels Krag, and S. Stephanius.

Austria - Also in Austria sabbathers (Sabbatati). - Luther, Lectures of Genesis, 1523-1527 AD.

Abyssinia - 1534 AD (Abyssinian ambassador in Lisbon) Not because we imitate the Jews, but because we want to listen to Jesus and his disciples, We observe this day. - Geddes, Church History of Ethiopia.

Dr. Martin Luther - God blessed and sanctified the Sabbath for himself. He wants to be maintained for Saturday's commandment and the seventh day that preached the word of God. - Commentary of Genesis, Vol.1.

Baptists - Many were tortured because they would not rest with those who keep Sunday; Sunday considered a holiday and the law Antichrist. Frank Sebastian, 1536 AD

Finland - 6.pros.1544 (Letter to King Gustav Wasa Swedish Finns I) - We've heard that some people in Finland have failed big mistake and keep the seventh day, called Saturday. - Staats-Bibliothek in Helsinki, the 1554th

Switzerland - observance of the Sabbath is part of the moral law. From the beginning the world was a Saturday, preserved as a holy day. - R. Hospinian, the 1592nd

Holland and Germany - Barbara from Thiery, executed in 1529, said the Lord God has commanded us to observe the seventh day.

The other martyr, Kristina Tolingerové is told for this: its mind about the holiday Sunday was this: In six days the Lord made the earth and rested the seventh day. Other holidays are dictated by the pope, cardinals and archbishops. - Martyrorology of the Church of Christ, commonly Called Baptists, During the era of the Reformation, London, the 1850th

17th century

England - 1618 - Because she taught only five days and on Saturday did not work, was taken into custody in Maiden Lane. It was a prison for those who have different views than the English state church. Mrs. Trask was for their beliefs regarding the observance of the Sabbath detained about 16 years. Paagitts, Heresiography.

England - 1668 - Here in England, about nine or ten churches that keep the Sabbath, dispersed among many individuals who have been specially protected from extinction. - Stennet, Letters, 1669-1670.

Thomas Bampfield, parlamemtu chairman, also defended the Sabbath as a day of rest, and was for their religious beliefs thrown into prison in Ilchester - (Calama)

Hungary, Romania - As opposed blessed Sunday and Saturday were the Prince Bathory Zigmund persecuted. Furrow was chancellor, and studied the Bible and wrote a number of songs, especially to celebrate the Sabbath. He was arrested, and finished 1640.

Sweden and Finland - Traces of this belief are found almost throughout the former Sweden - Finland and northern Sweden. Vokrese Upsala peasants keep Saturday instead of Sunday. Around the year 1625 was the religious views promoted so that Saturday only not kept a large population, but even many priests. - History of Swedish Church, Vol.I.

Moscow Russian Church - holy Saturday (the original Bible Saturday). Samuel Purchas, His Pilgrims, Vol.I.

India (Jakobité) - 1625 - They keep Saturday. On Saturday worship. Pilgrimmes, Vol.2.

America - 1664 - First sabbather in America, Stephen Mumford, came from London in 1664. - Hist. Of the Seventh-day Baptist Gen.Cohf., Jas.Bailey

America - 1671 (SD Baptists) separated from the Baptist Church to observe Saturday. - Bailey, History.

England - Charles I, 1647 Because in Scripture we find a place that dictates that Saturday was no longer maintained, but instead Sunday, the church of their own authority to cancel one day and another set. - Cox, Sabbath Laws.

England - John Milton - is certainly much safer to keep the seventh day as God's express command, than to take the first day observance, which identified only human.

England - After the release of the book 'Book of Sports' in 1618 was among the English clergy great controversy on two points: 1) whether the fourth commandment is Saturday binding, and 2) on the basis of what is to be maintained on the first day of the week as a' day of rest '. - Haydn, Dictionary of Dates Sabbatarians article.

Abyssinia - 1604 - The Jesuits tried to force the adoption of the Abyssinian Church, Roman Catholicism. Zadenghela worked for the king (1604 AD.) Suggested that swear allegiance to the papacy. All subjects were pohroženo heavy penalties if they continue to observe Saturday. - Geddes, Church History of Ethiopia.

Bohemia, Moravia, Switzerland, Germany - One of the advisers and dignitaries of the Court of Justice was John Gerendi, sabbathers leaders, who have not kept Sunday, but Saturday. - Lamy, History of Socinianism.

18th century

Abyssinia - Jakobits gathered on Saturday in the church and maintain the day that holy and Abyssinians, as we could ascertain from their profession of faith before the Ethiopian king Claudius. Abudacnus, Historia Jacobitarum.

Romania 1760 - Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia - Tolerance Patent of Joseph II. did not apply to those who observe Saturday, some of them came back all of his possessions. Catholic priests with the help of soldiers are forced to recognize Rome, worked on Saturday and Sunday went to church - these were methods that were used for 250 years to turn světitele Saturday.

Germany - Tennhardt from Nuremberg holds exactly the doctrine of the week, because it is one of the ten commandments of God. - Bengel, Leben und Wirken.

He says: No one can prove that Sunday took place Saturday. God himself had dedicated the last day of the week. Antichrist again chose the first day of the week.

Bohemia and Moravia - Adolf Dux writes about history in the year 1635 to 1867 as follows: Situation sabbatize was terrible. Their books and magazines were transported to Carlsbad on the consistory and burned. (Leipzig, 1880)

Holland and Germany - Dr.Cornelius writes that once were Baptists numerous not kept Sundays and other holidays (holy Saturday). - Der Anteil Ostfrieslands and.Ref.Muenster, the 1852nd

Moravia - Count Zinzendorf - R.1738 Count Zinzendorf wrote about how he justifies Saturday: For many years, have kept Saturday as a day of rest and Sunday I use to spread the gospel. - Budingsche Sammlung, the 1742nd

America - 1741 (Moravian Brethren - stay after Count Zinzendorf) deserves a special attention to stress that he decided to keep the seventh day as rest day with the choir in Bethlehem.

Before Zinzendorf and the Moravians in Bethlehem began to observe Saturday, the Saturday has maintained a small German group in Pennsylvania.

19th century

Russia - Most of them left in the Crimea and the Caucasus, where over persecution still remained faithful to biblical teachings. People called them sabbathers - (Sabbatati). Sternberg, Geschichte der Juden in Polen.

China - At the time forbade the use of Hung opium, tobacco and alcoholic beverages, and Saturday was consciously maintained.

When the 'I-dumping' were asked why sanctifies the seventh day, then answered: First, because the Bible teaches, and secondly, that our ancestors also observe this day. - A Critical History of the Sabbath and the Sunday.

India and Persia - Out of habit that kept the pious observance of the Sabbath throughout our empire. - Christian Researches in Asia.

Denmark - This agitation did not remain without results. Pastor M. Sommer began to sanctify Saturday and wrote an impressive article on Saturday right in the church magazine Indovet Kristendom No.5, the 1875th In his letter to Pastor J.G. Mattesonovi writes: Here in Denmark is among the great Baptist movement on the Sabbath commandment. . .

Still, I am probably the only preacher in Denmark who is so close to the Adventists, and for many years, proclaim the second coming of Christ. - Advent week, May 1875th

Sweden (Baptist) - We just want to emphasize that the Sabbath day observance has its origins in the law that God established at Creation for the world. Therefore, it is mandatory for all people at all times. - April 30, 1863.

America - 1845 - Discovering how to fulfill Daniel 7.25 as a small corner of the changing times and law. I think that all those who keep the first day of the week as a day of rest, the Pope sabbathers and Saturday transgressors of God. February 13, 1845.

SD Adventists - founded 1844 by Adventist sd, which is the end of the 19th century. spread around the world. Its name is derived from the teachings of Saturday, the 7th day and the Advent of Jesus Christ. R.1874. Began this work in Europe in 1885 in Australia, in 1887 in South Africa in 1888 in Asia and South America.

20th century

SD Adventists justify the same on Saturday, maintaining that Jesus and his followers. Decent torch of truth, or gone out during the long centuries. Adventists preach the message of today in more than 1,000 languages ​​in the country. Over 16,500 sabbatize prayer is scattered from pole to pole - from Hammerfest in Norway, which is the northernmost city in the world to Puntas Arenas in South America's southernmost city. Two million members worldwide welcome the Sabbath holy moments.

Saturday is the precious legacy that our generation has been handed over to the martyrs of the past. Saturday is the bond of fraternal friendship of the church last time, whether black, white or yellow member. On the east and west, north and south of the thousands and thousands of people preparing for the second coming of Christ.

58.13 Isaiah's message of reform on Saturday for people to abstain from their feet on Saturday and Saturday honored and exercised their own interests. Revelation 14 clearly shows that this is the message of the last days before the advent of Jesus Christ. Note the marvelous words of the preceding verses:

Isaiah 58,12-14 - who come out of thee shall build the ancient ruins, the foundations of past generations shall build again. Will you call the builder and restorer breaches of ways that they could live. When you avoid your foot Saturday to you on my holy day doing what you want when you call their well-being Saturday, the Lord holy and glorious day, and you celebrate it, so that drop from his travels, that you did not do what you want, stop and talk, then delight in the Lord and I will be found on the hills I can land you with the heritage of Jacob your father. Mouth of the LORD has spoken.

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