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Current world events

16 items, 2 Site to top back forward the end

The Trump Card, by Walter Veith

727_karta-trump-prof.jpg Has the Trump campaign brought us any closer to the fulfilment of prophecy? With the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, prophecy can finally reach ...
Added: 06.05.2017
Views: 20299x

Video - Pope Francis Calls for Unity - Doug Batchelor

686_dg.jpg What the bible says about the papacy. ...
Added: 03.07.2015
Views: 13983x

Video - Fulfills Prophecy - Doug Batchelor

678_doug_batchelor_naplnujici_se_proroctvi.jpg Doug Batchelor analyzes the Recent movements of pope Francis on a biblical scale. Showing how This very pope is fulfilling prophecy right before our very eyes... ...
Added: 25.07.2014
Views: 15638x

Coming a major financial crisis is inevitable

478_graf-down.jpg The whole world is confronted with increasingly greater financial problems. Many people began to realize that this vicious circle of huge public debt does not lead the way out. It is ...
Added: 13.09.2011
Views: 197790x

Significantly increasing the number of natural disasters - to warn us!

429_zemetreseni_japonsko.jpg The Bible foretells the condition of the country will find, before Jesus Christ returns. Earth will be exhausted and the large number of natural disasters. People are even dying fear in ...
Added: 12.05.2011
Views: 217833x

Prayers for recovery and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit - 777

424_777prayer.jpg New Testament Church powerfully influenced the world with good news of the gospel in a single generation. Filled with the Holy Spirit New Testament believers those present to share the truth ...
Added: 08.05.2011
Views: 240851x

The mysterious deaths of animals worldwide

396_uhyn_ryby.jpg Since the end of last year, there are mysterious death of different species around the world. They die suddenly in large numbers and without apparent cause. The cause is still not ...
Added: 24.03.2011
Views: 253818x

Dramatically increasing the number of earthquakes!

392_katastrofykont.jpg Constantly increasing number of earthquakes across the country. Many people perceive change and abnormality of nature and begin to realize that not everything is in order. They realize that something is ...
Added: 11.03.2011
Views: 308838x

What's happening in Arab countries - will be another exodus?

370_arabske_zeme.jpg Large anti-government protests hit in the past two months, large parts of the Middle East. Demonstrators protesting against poor living conditions, political corruption, high unemployment, restriction of human rights and the ...
Added: 25.02.2011
Views: 171194x

Why the escalating supernatural apparitions throughout the world?

355_ufo_china.jpg The world-wide escalation of various paranormal experiences, phenomena and spiritualism. There is no doubt that they are not fictions, but the fact that people are not able to explain. Some of ...
Added: 15.02.2011
Views: 238555x

Former Pope John Paul II. will be declared a saint - What the Bible?

316_vatikan.jpg The current Pope Benedict XVI approved a decree in which his predecessor John Paul II. acknowledges execution of a miracle. That may be a former pope officially beatified. Recognition of a ...
Added: 18.01.2011
Views: 182224x

China evangelizing the rest of the world - a movement (back to Jerusalem)

284_china_globus_vlajka.jpg For the Back to Jerusalem vision of thousands of Chinese are willing to die. At least we should find out why. Napoleon once said: "When China moves, it changes the face ...
Added: 06.12.2010
Views: 191199x

Messianic Jews

164_izrael_vlajka.jpg Messianic Jews - fulfilling prophecy In addition to numerous Christian denominations exist in Israel and the movement of so-called "Messianic Jews". These people usually come from Jewish families, but believe in Jesus ...
Added: 06.10.2010
Views: 264560x

Super solar storm in 2013

163_solarni_super_boure.jpg Super solar storm will threaten the Earth's infrastructure in 2013 In 2013, threatened in NASA's Earth strong solar activity, which produces a super solar storm can cripple both communication and navigation satellites, ...
Added: 06.10.2010
Views: 207433x

Famine in the world

158_hladomor_ve_svete.jpg UN: Number of hungry in the world exceeds one billion and because of the economic crisis The combination of food and economic crisis has caused the number of hungry in the world ...
Added: 01.10.2010
Views: 365286x

16 items, 2 Site to top back forward the end -