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Evolution or Creation?

Evolution or Creation?

Have you ever wondered about its origin? Man is a perfect creature, superior to any creature that ever man made.

I really could arise life, accidental explosions and the movement of matter somewhere in the universe somewhere? Could life, something so perfect indeed occur by itself? We really creature evolution, self-development process, our ancestor was actually of the genus apes?

Or we have an excellent work of our Creator, which is written in the Bible?

There are only two explanations of the origin of life. Evolutionary theory, which is based on scientific assumptions and suppositions. Or creation facts that are recorded in the Bible's oldest book of the planet.

10 items, 1 Site to top back forward the end

Infinite Universe

455_mlhovina_orion.jpg Dear readers. When you say the word universe, as we recall the stars, moon, sun and blue skies overhead. And if we think, and marvel at how it all could get ...
Added: 30.07.2011
Views: 179256x

Thawing ice to our planet - the Bible gives a great "lab notes"

369_planeta_zeme.jpg Genesis 1,2 - the earth was void and empty, darkness was over the abyss, and hovered over the waters of God's Spirit. "Water Planet, located in deep space, the icy planet. Extremely ...
Added: 25.02.2011
Views: 172309x

Big Bang roztříská something rather than build.

365_velky_tresk_evoluce.jpg Many now believe that the universe was created in one big bang. In fact, cod smash in something rather than build. Today, clearly shows that the universe is a projection, and ...
Added: 23.02.2011
Views: 149327x

Traces of life in the universe is looking for over a century in vain

356_vznik_zovota_vesmir.jpg Many now believe that life could develop elsewhere in the universe. In fact, there are traces of life are looking for more than a century entirely in vain, and only because ...
Added: 17.02.2011
Views: 147939x

Thousands of scientists argue that life could arise by chance from nonliving matter

351_evoluce_neziva_hmota.jpg Many people today believe that life arose from nonliving matter-free program and coincidence. In fact, life in any way this could occur. That's not possible now claims thousands of scientists, and this ...
Added: 11.02.2011
Views: 153982x

Video - life story - Prof. Dr. Walter Veith

296_walter-veith.jpg Look at the story of Prof. Dr. Walter Veith. For many years, was a convinced atheist and taught at the University of evolution. By carefully studying the facts of evolution came to ...
Added: 15.12.2010
Views: 202982x

Evolution or Creation - What tells the butterfly wing?

248_motyl_1.jpg The idea of living nature expresses immense beauty, tenderness, welfare, inexhaustible source of inspiration to poets, writers, composers, artists - a butterfly wing is proof of God's majesty. Wing Butterfly, Swallowtail, ...
Added: 08.11.2010
Views: 247239x

What we believe - 3 Creature

154_cemu_verime_3_stvoreni.jpg 3 Creatures God is the Creator of all things in Scripture gave a reliable report on their creative work. In six days the Lord made heaven and earth and all earthly creation ...
Added: 29.09.2010
Views: 148729x

Evolutionary theory or the biblical creation?

86_evoluce_nebo_stvoreni.jpg Let's look at what brings us to the theory of evolution, what it tells us about the origin and evolution of the world. At the beginning of the history of the universe ...
Added: 07.09.2010
Views: 200909x

Evolution vs. Creation

82_latimerie-podivna.jpg Have you have ever wondered what the origin of man taught in schools and what is generally believed? How she came to evolutionary theory and is actually based on facts or ...
Added: 07.09.2010
Views: 171895x - Where he took his own life, self-development called evolution, or the word of our creator?