
36 items, 3 Site to top back forward the end

Video - Cosmic Conflict

459_vesmirny_konflikt.jpg All people on earth, regardless of religion or nationality, and recognize that all around us in the whole world is a battle, the struggle between the forces of Good and Evil. ...
Added: 08.08.2011
Views: 206600x

Video - The last event, the end of the world according to biblical prophecy

80_the_final_events_of_bible_prophecy.jpg Doug Batchelor - The Final Events of Bible Prophecy Take a look at this document, which are Doug Batchelor presents events that will precede the end of the world. These events are ...
Added: 03.09.2010
Views: 341918x

Remember Lot's Wife - Joe Crews

777_pamatujte-na-lotovu-ženu-joe-crews.jpg A tragic story about Lot and his wife. What lessons can we draw from him? What was the problem with Mrs Lot? Lot "moved his tents to Sodom." Is it possible ...
Added: 31.08.2018
Views: 13194x

The Trump Card, by Walter Veith

727_karta-trump-prof.jpg Has the Trump campaign brought us any closer to the fulfilment of prophecy? With the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, prophecy can finally reach ...
Added: 06.05.2017
Views: 19993x

Get Ready for the Mark of the Beast - Steve Wohlberg

696_steve-wohlberg-pripravte-se-na-znameni-selmy.jpg July 20, 2015. Pastor Steve Wohlberg’s stirring message at the Soquel, California Conference Center explaining how Revelation 13’s prophecy about “the mark of the beast” (verses 16,17) is “at ...
Added: 01.10.2015
Views: 23241x

G.T. Ng - Saturday GK

692_gt_ng.jpg The program of worship on the first Saturday at the 60th meeting of GK in San Antonio, Texas: the orchestra and the song You, our God, the message of the Secretary ...
Added: 19.08.2015
Views: 19375x

Cross the Jordan, Don't Retreat - Ted Wilson

691_ted_wilson.jpg President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ted Wilson, gives the Sabbath sermon at the General Conference Session in San Antonio on July 11, 2015. I hope he repents for the sin ...
Added: 08.08.2015
Views: 25283x

The Pope's Encyclical and the Mark of the Beast

690_papezska-encyklika-a-znamenie-selmy-steve-wohlberg-tim-saxton.jpg Steve Wohlberg and Tim Saxton explain how Pope Francis' June 18, 2015 encyclical on 'climate change' is preparing the way for the fulfillment of Revelation 13:11-17’s prophecy about the ...
Added: 25.07.2015
Views: 21903x

Video - The Time is at Hand! - Steve Wohlberg and Tim Saxton

687_video_znameni_casu.jpg Steve Wohlberg and Tim Saxton discuss waters turning red worldwide, mass animal deaths, the beast, Pope Francis, Ben Carson running for President, Adventists, Sunday law agitation, and our need ...
Added: 09.07.2015
Views: 21336x

Video - Pope Francis Calls for Unity - Doug Batchelor

686_dg.jpg What the bible says about the papacy. ...
Added: 03.07.2015
Views: 13826x

Video - An Advocate For Our Time - Prof. Dr. Walter Veith

684_ochrance-pro-nasi-dobu.jpg The sanctuary in one of the great typological features of the Bible. Every aspect of the sanctuary points to the ministry of the Messiah. By a study of all ...
Added: 30.05.2015
Views: 22739x

Video - The Sermon On the Mount - Ivor Myers

669_cirkev_zalozena_na_sksle_ivor_myers.jpg Powerful sermon by Ivor Myers at Sacramento Central SDA church. Amazing insights in the Word of God. ...
Added: 03.05.2014
Views: 14342x

Video - Francis Pope calls for unity with the Protestants, fulfilling the Biblical prophecy?

665_papez_frantisek.jpg The recently published video from Pope Francis, calling for the unification of Protestants in America, has become viral. Many are asking: "Is not this the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy?" Look at ...
Added: 13.03.2014
Views: 19902x

Video - powerful prayer - Mark Finley

645_modlitba_mark_finley.jpg We are experiencing the live power of prayer? Prayer can be more powerful than we can imagine, and the Lord Jesus gave us his life pattern as prayer experience. Be inspired ...
Added: 03.02.2014
Views: 21710x

Video - Seven Major Signs of the End - Dr. Ed Reid

643_sedem_znameni_konce.jpg God wants it to be a mystery for us When will the second time? Says the Lord Jesus may come today, but even in a hundred years. Is this true? We ...
Added: 10.01.2014
Views: 64355x

36 items, 3 Site to top back forward the end - Videos.