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True Decalogue

True Decalogue

What is the Ten Commandments? The Ten Commandments is God's law, the law of love, and understanding. The Law of God was given to Moses, Israel and the world as a model of conduct and principles. Throughout the Bible speaks about the law of great importance as something that was, is and always will be. God does not change its law, and therefore, His Son, Jesus Christ had to give their lives for our transgression, so we can deliver. This law is perfect and unchangeable, or because no one has the right to change this law.

You'll be amazed that many churches act according to their changing needs. Why is this the perfect law of love is changed and the desecration if even God him for saving her son has changed? Who do you prefer to listen to God our Creator and human regulations and traditions?

17 items, 2 Site to top back forward the end

God’s Law – The True Ten Commandments

585_desatero_bozich_prikazani.jpg Read the Ten Commandments of God, as God gave them to Moses on Mount Sinai. Here is the right order and wording of the Ten Commandments. No one is allowed to make ...
Added: 19.04.2011
Views: 782070x

The Day of Rest – Saturday or Sunday?

60_sunday_saturday.jpg Which is the true day of rest, the Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday? Christian churches often discuss about which is the true day of rest, the Sabbath. Most churches and Christian associations ...
Added: 02.08.2010
Views: 635305x

Video - An Advocate For Our Time - Prof. Dr. Walter Veith

684_ochrance-pro-nasi-dobu.jpg The sanctuary in one of the great typological features of the Bible. Every aspect of the sanctuary points to the ministry of the Messiah. By a study of all ...
Added: 30.05.2015
Views: 22739x

Video - Search for the Sabbath at the Vatican - Samuele Bacchiocchi

622_patrani_po_sobote_samuel_bacchiocchi.jpg Hear the personal experience of man from Rome, both because Saturday was experiencing ridicule, rejection and persecution, as well as its fascinating experience of study at the Vatican's university. Do you ...
Added: 13.07.2013
Views: 16874x

Dear Father, Please, Write Your Law On My Heart

556_zapis_svuj_zakon.jpg My dear Father, You are so amazing, kind, compassionate and patient. My soul yearns for You. In the morning, when I wake up, I think of You and I wish this ...
Added: 16.05.2012
Views: 118420x

Continue in the Reformation of our zealous forefathers

520_jan_hus_kostnice_1415.jpg Photo source: WikipediaWhole generations of Czech country was the center of the reformed faith throughout Europe. Each of us knows names like Jan Hus and Jan Zizka. But you know how ...
Added: 13.12.2011
Views: 203306x

God's law is immutable, it is still valid!

501_bozi_zakon_je_nemeny.jpg The truths of His word, God revealed to people. For all those who receive them, are a shield against Satan's fraud. Ignoring these truths, which is now in the religious world ...
Added: 24.10.2011
Views: 240872x

Observance of the Sabbath through the centuries

464_zachovavani_sboty.jpg A surprising cross-section of history that shows that God always had His people, who kept all the Ten Commandments, including God's day of rest - the Sabbath. He never failed to ...
Added: 14.08.2011
Views: 385665x

Sabbath as a memorial of creation, given the relationship with God

417_sobota_pamatnik_stvoreni.jpg Let's look at the very beginning of the Bible, the Book of Genesis. Here is written about the creation of our world. We learn that God created this world in six ...
Added: 28.04.2011
Views: 190428x

Which is the seventh day - Saturday, lunar Saturday or Sunday?

403_kalendar.jpg We are able to determine exactly which day is the seventh? It would make sense that God has appointed a day as a memorial of His creative power - a special ...
Added: 28.03.2011
Views: 204830x

What he wrote about Adventists Protestants?

363_reforma-protestante.jpg What do we owe adventist? - Evangelical Weekly - Constance Sparks 19th September 2007 - No. 25/2007 - 92nd edition Adventism defines himself as a continuation of the reformist movement, which sought ...
Added: 20.02.2011
Views: 157413x

What does Paul when he says no one has the right to condemn you for sabbaths?

361_obet_poukazujici_na_krista.jpg We must recognize the important thing. Jewish unleavened bread called holidays, holidays Trumpets, Atonement holidays and other holidays that have been prefigured the coming of the Messiah on Saturday! Colossians 2, 13 ...
Added: 18.02.2011
Views: 159024x

Were the Ten Commandments Really Nailed to the Cross?

326_bylo_desatero_prikazani_pribito_na_kriz.jpg The Bible says that God gave His law to mankind – the Ten Commandments written by the finger of God on tables of stone, and placed within the Ark of the ...
Added: 02.02.2011
Views: 202987x

Removes the grace of God's law?

325_rusi_se_milosti_bozi_zakon.jpg It is necessary to keep God's Ten Commandments, including Saturdays, we are not under law but under grace? The Apostle Paul clearly explains that a Christian is not "under law", but ...
Added: 02.02.2011
Views: 183587x

MP3 - Call - $ 1000 for a single verse in the Bible showing the observance of Sunday.

321_1000_dolaru.jpg Baptist preacher Tony Mavrakos received a special invitation and an offer from one man. "I'll give you $ 1000 for a single verse in the Bible, which would prove that Sunday ...
Added: 24.01.2011
Views: 156259x

17 items, 2 Site to top back forward the end - God's law, true Ten Commandments of God's commandments, which we observe.