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What is death?

What is death?

Death, an unknown, a word that when you voted him the creeps. About death a lot of myths and superstitions. It is just another life after death, in which a man gets into heaven or hell? Or the death of a man he knows nothing, sleeps until doomsday? In this section you will find biblical answers to the question, what is with the man after death.

10 items, 1 Site to top back forward the end

Death, is something after death?

72_co_je_po_smrti.jpg What is death? First divided the people into two parts - body and soul of the philosopher Plato. He said the body is mortal and immortal soul. That have adopted the idea ...
Added: 12.08.2010
Views: 203888x

The soul that can not be killed - Matthew 10.28

408_duse_ktera_nemeze_byt_zabita.jpg Matthew 10.28 - Do not fear those who kill the body but can not kill the soul. Rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. The 10 chapters ...
Added: 05.04.2011
Views: 222762x

Jesus with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration

407_jezis_hora_promeneni.jpg Matthew 17,1-8 - After six days Jesus took Peter to him, James and John his brother, led them alone in a high mountain and was transfigured before them. His face shone ...
Added: 05.04.2011
Views: 373077x

Hell just is - what will be the end of the wicked people?

371_existuje_peklo.jpg Many people are afraid of hell and eternal suffering. But hell? The Bible speaks of hell that is only until the final day of reckoning comes. When Jesus Christ resurrects the ...
Added: 02.03.2011
Views: 221668x

A criminal on the cross - is already in heaven, or when the second coming?

197_ukriyovani_jezis_kristus.jpg Luke 23, 42-43 - Then Jesus said: "Remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus replied: "Verily I say unto you, today you will be with me in Paradise." As evidence ...
Added: 02.11.2010
Views: 164195x

Video - Search for Truth - the good news about hell

196_dobre_zpravy_o_pekle.jpg What is death and what is after death? What is hell, where hell is? Is hell real, or is mere fiction? It is really a loving God allow such a cruel ...
Added: 01.11.2010
Views: 213629x

The rich man and poor Lazarus - Luke 16, 19-31

162_bible_lukas_16_19_31.jpg Above this chapter to puzzle many people - because they forget that this is a parable. Like other parables, Christ came to life representation of the rich and the poor Lazarus of ...
Added: 05.10.2010
Views: 309816x

Clinical death - what does the Bible say?

159_tunel_klinicka_smrt.jpg What is clinical death, what experiences people have? Many people around the world who have experienced clinical death, tell their experiences. During brain death, people have different experiences as the path is ...
Added: 01.10.2010
Views: 354291x

False doctrine of the immortality of the soul

58_duch.jpg It's truly immortal soul, or is it an illusion? What tells us this in mind the Bible? Many churches have taken pagan doctrine of death. They believe that after death is just ...
Added: 30.07.2010
Views: 198354x

What happens to humans after death

57_hrbitov.jpg Death is not really very nice word, which would be people to talk. It is surrounded by a great mystery. For many people this is a great mystery, a big question ...
Added: 29.07.2010
Views: 372035x - Life and death, what is with the man after his death?