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False teachings

False teachings

There are many teachings and many different religions. There are many Christian churches and movements. Why is there so much? On what basis is founded Christianity? Christian churches are all based on Biblical truths, or rather refer to traditions and their own learning? How do I find the truth and where do I look?

18 items, 2 Site to top back forward the end

Faith and Deeds - other Gospel?

446_vira_a_skutky.jpg James 2.20 - When you understand, you fool, that faith without works is barren? (King James Bible - faith without works is dead) Spiritual Babylon for many years taught that Jesus kept ...
Added: 06.07.2011
Views: 179929x

False Messiah New Age and Maitrea

280_jezis_vs_lucifer_1.jpg "New Age" with these words, since 1984 increasingly encountered in all newspapers and news programs. Humanity longs for, because this is no longer on earth with us last. Something must happen. ...
Added: 26.11.2010
Views: 205004x

The emergence of false theories in Christianity until the end of the world

263_vznik_falesnych_teorii_v_krestanstvi.jpg Early Christians Jesus, when he lived on this earth to teach men and their disciples everything that is right and what they observe. He came to reveal the nature of the Father's ...
Added: 15.11.2010
Views: 226147x

End of the World in December 2012, the arrival of the Antichrist, what about the Bible?

600_konec_sveta_2012.jpg Approaching the many expected date, the date that moves lately all media. We go to different mail questions regarding this data. Date December 21, 2012, to which the Mayan calendar ends. ...
Added: 09.12.2012
Views: 231347x

Changes in Bible translations

512_zmeny_v_prekladech_bible.jpg In the Czech language in the recently increasing number of Bible translations. In addition to the Ecumenical Translation is available not only to complete the translation and study Czech Bible21, but ...
Updated: 16.11.2011
Added: 16.11.2011
Views: 268699x

Video - can unite all world religions?

510_lze_sjednotit_nabozenstvi.jpg The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate based on apostolic and prophetic authority before the world publishes a painful reality: Christian Church that homosexuality publicly approve, deny God's laws and to themselves plunged the ...
Added: 02.11.2011
Views: 204961x

Video - False teachings in the last days

441_video_falesny_mesias.jpg Subtitles to the video: The Bible foretells the moral level of humanity at the end of time. We are witnesses of these things right? Jesus said in Matthew 24, 4-5, in the last ...
Added: 03.06.2011
Views: 181066x

Former Pope John Paul II. will be declared a saint - What the Bible?

316_vatikan.jpg The current Pope Benedict XVI approved a decree in which his predecessor John Paul II. acknowledges execution of a miracle. That may be a former pope officially beatified. Recognition of a ...
Added: 18.01.2011
Views: 182224x

A new day of rest - Fake Lunar Sabbath

302_lunar_sabbath.jpg The world's next Saturday and Sunday the fake was another day of rest. Many a bitter Bible study came to the strange conclusion. A true day of rest, holy to the ...
Added: 28.12.2010
Views: 181525x

New Age - the Messiah Maitrea in the prophecies

281_jezis_vs_lucifer_2.jpg New Age Movement in more recent years, growing gradually and imperceptibly, and gets into all areas of our lives. The movement soon grew secretly but since 1984, when he was commanded ...
Added: 30.11.2010
Views: 187914x

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary - the truth about the Marian apparitions

267_pope_virgin_marie.jpg Today, the Catholic Church is the phenomenon of apparitions of the Virgin Mary, weeping statues, healing springs. These places have become a pilgrimage site and visited by millions of believers worldwide. ...
Added: 16.11.2010
Views: 272042x

Indulgence - we can buy or earn salvation?

264_odpustky.jpg We can buy or earn salvation, forgiveness of sins to visit a place of pilgrimage? Each of you are no doubt heard the word indulgence. We try to bring what indulgences are ...
Added: 15.11.2010
Views: 163324x

Clinical death - what does the Bible say?

159_tunel_klinicka_smrt.jpg What is clinical death, what experiences people have? Many people around the world who have experienced clinical death, tell their experiences. During brain death, people have different experiences as the path is ...
Added: 01.10.2010
Views: 354291x

Video - False Messiah in Russia

92_sergey_anatolyevitch_torop.jpg Sergey Anatolyevitch Trop, Born on 14 ledna 1961st His followers know him as Vissarion. He founded and led a religious movement, which is known as the Church of the Last Act. Vissarion ...
Added: 10.09.2010
Views: 232361x

Video - Messages from Heaven, apparitions of the Virgin Mary

87_zjeveni_panny_marie_1.jpg Today, the Catholic Church is the phenomenon of apparitions of the Virgin Mary. We can not deny this fact, since this revelation has been shown in many places around the world. What ...
Added: 08.09.2010
Views: 221001x

18 items, 2 Site to top back forward the end - False teachings, which do not coincide with the Bible.