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202 items, 14 Site to top back forward the end

God’s Law – The True Ten Commandments

585_desatero_bozich_prikazani.jpg Read the Ten Commandments of God, as God gave them to Moses on Mount Sinai. Here is the right order and wording of the Ten Commandments. No one is allowed to make ...
Added: 19.04.2011
Views: 782070x

What is the seventh day of the week is Saturday or Sunday?

278_kalendar.jpg What is the seventh calendar day Saturday or Sunday? She was made a change? Many countries in its present, have seven calendar day Sunday. Many people are unaware that Saturday is just ...
Added: 29.11.2010
Views: 667880x

The Day of Rest – Saturday or Sunday?

60_sunday_saturday.jpg Which is the true day of rest, the Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday? Christian churches often discuss about which is the true day of rest, the Sabbath. Most churches and Christian associations ...
Added: 02.08.2010
Views: 635305x

Signs of the Times - The Gospel will be preached to the world

257_evangelium_bude_hlasano_celemu_svetu.jpg Matthew 24.16 - This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached throughout the world for a witness unto all nations. And then the end will come. " Let's look at the conveniences ...
Added: 09.11.2010
Views: 572679x

Discovery of the Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah

29_1_sodom_and-gomorrah.jpg Sodom and Gomorrah, Biblical cities destroyed by brimstone. Everyone knows the adage certainly Sodom Gomorrah, when talking about something very shameful. Where did this saying originate, originated by chance or have a ...
Added: 20.09.2010
Views: 566803x

Nostradamus, 2012 - False Prophecies

192_nostradamus.jpg I would like to write something about the prophecies of Nostradamus, since it is largely discussed on the internet. It is also a frequent topic of discussion among people. Many are ...
Added: 25.10.2010
Views: 511055x

Noah's Ark was found, confirming the Turkish government

1_archa_noemova.jpg The Turkish government has carried out research with archaeologists at the site of Noah's Ark in the mountains of Ararat. Research confirmed the age-old Ron Wyatt and his colleagues. Founded on ...
Added: 22.07.2010
Views: 492180x

Number Beast 666, mark of the beast and the seal of God

447_666.jpg In previous articles we studied, who, according to Daniel 7 and Revelation chapter 13 of Chapter beast sometimes inappropriate. According to the evidence that gave us the Bible itself, is a ...
Added: 17.07.2011
Views: 483892x

Biblical Signs of Christ's coming, and of the End of the World - Part 1

260_znameni_doby_prichod_krista_part_1.jpg Today, most of us have the feeling that something is happening in the world, something is different than it was before. There is more violence, more disasters, more fear and threats. ...
Added: 11.11.2010
Views: 464895x

Exodus - Red Sea crossing

98_saudi_chariot_wheel.jpg Exodus - Biblical crossing the Red Sea Israel people. In the Bible the book of Exodus, we find one of the most compelling stories. This story tells of the wanderings of the ...
Added: 16.09.2010
Views: 424410x

Bible Prophecy - Who is the Antichrist? - Daniel Chapter 7

300_kdo_je_antikrist_papezsky_system.jpg In the second chapter of Daniel God revealed the basic prophetic view. Uses the image of metal and stone figures, who at the end of the crush. Golden head represented Babylonian Empire, ...
Added: 26.12.2010
Views: 392851x

Sodom and Gomorrah - a unique layered ash and sulfur

231_sodoma_gomora_budova.jpg Many try to argue, rebut, challenge those wonderful biblical findings. It claims that in nature in many places is pure sulfur. Yes, I agree in the nature around the world are ...
Added: 05.11.2010
Views: 390275x

Bible Prophecy - The beast rising from the sea - Revelation 13

364_papez_benedikt_xvi.jpg Revelation 13 1-10 - Then I saw the sea beast performs with seven heads and ten horns, the horns had ten crowns upon his heads blasphemous name. The beast I saw ...
Added: 22.02.2011
Views: 386994x

Observance of the Sabbath through the centuries

464_zachovavani_sboty.jpg A surprising cross-section of history that shows that God always had His people, who kept all the Ten Commandments, including God's day of rest - the Sabbath. He never failed to ...
Added: 14.08.2011
Views: 385664x

End of the World in 2012, the Maya and their calendar?

74_mayan-calander.jpg Is there going to be a catastrophic end of the Word in 2012? Or will a transition to a new era of a spiritually established society take place? Are these facts ...
Added: 14.01.2011
Views: 383616x

202 items, 14 Site to top back forward the end - Most read articles.