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Sign of the times over, the second coming of Jesus Christ

Sign of the times over, the second coming of Jesus Christ

Notes the current world affairs that we live in a time of the end? Are there any signs that suggest impending coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? So what does the Bible say about the state of our planet, about what is happening in this world before its end? Fulfill these Biblical prophecy or even longer fulfilled? End of the World is an absolute end of everything, or hope for a better life?

49 items, 4 Site to top back forward the end

The emergence of false theories in Christianity until the end of the world

263_vznik_falesnych_teorii_v_krestanstvi.jpg Early Christians Jesus, when he lived on this earth to teach men and their disciples everything that is right and what they observe. He came to reveal the nature of the Father's ...
Added: 15.11.2010
Views: 225210x

Biblical signs of Christ's coming and the End of the World - Part 2

261_znameni_doby_prichod_krista_part_2.jpg Biblical signs of Christ's coming and the end of the world - Part 2 20th century in the history of the world completely unique. When he began, no one has yet been ...
Added: 11.11.2010
Views: 253184x

Biblical Signs of Christ's coming, and of the End of the World - Part 1

260_znameni_doby_prichod_krista_part_1.jpg Today, most of us have the feeling that something is happening in the world, something is different than it was before. There is more violence, more disasters, more fear and threats. ...
Added: 11.11.2010
Views: 464891x

Video - The last event, the end of the world according to biblical prophecy

80_the_final_events_of_bible_prophecy.jpg Doug Batchelor - The Final Events of Bible Prophecy Take a look at this document, which are Doug Batchelor presents events that will precede the end of the world. These events are ...
Added: 03.09.2010
Views: 341908x

Get Ready for the Mark of the Beast - Steve Wohlberg

696_steve-wohlberg-pripravte-se-na-znameni-selmy.jpg July 20, 2015. Pastor Steve Wohlberg’s stirring message at the Soquel, California Conference Center explaining how Revelation 13’s prophecy about “the mark of the beast” (verses 16,17) is “at ...
Added: 01.10.2015
Views: 23240x

The Pope's Encyclical and the Mark of the Beast

690_papezska-encyklika-a-znamenie-selmy-steve-wohlberg-tim-saxton.jpg Steve Wohlberg and Tim Saxton explain how Pope Francis' June 18, 2015 encyclical on 'climate change' is preparing the way for the fulfillment of Revelation 13:11-17’s prophecy about the ...
Added: 25.07.2015
Views: 21902x

Video - The Time is at Hand! - Steve Wohlberg and Tim Saxton

687_video_znameni_casu.jpg Steve Wohlberg and Tim Saxton discuss waters turning red worldwide, mass animal deaths, the beast, Pope Francis, Ben Carson running for President, Adventists, Sunday law agitation, and our need ...
Added: 09.07.2015
Views: 21334x

Video - Francis Pope calls for unity with the Protestants, fulfilling the Biblical prophecy?

665_papez_frantisek.jpg The recently published video from Pope Francis, calling for the unification of Protestants in America, has become viral. Many are asking: "Is not this the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy?" Look at ...
Added: 13.03.2014
Views: 19902x

Video - Seven Major Signs of the End - Dr. Ed Reid

643_sedem_znameni_konce.jpg God wants it to be a mystery for us When will the second time? Says the Lord Jesus may come today, but even in a hundred years. Is this true? We ...
Added: 10.01.2014
Views: 64354x

Disaster is coming when God will shake the ground!

405_blizi_se_katastrofa_kdy_buh_zatrese_zemi.jpg The Bible clearly warns that one of the last signs before the coming of Jesus Christ is that God is shaking our country. Nowadays, most to the second coming already filled, ...
Updated: 18.02.2013
Added: 02.04.2011
Views: 336360x

End of the World in December 2012, the arrival of the Antichrist, what about the Bible?

600_konec_sveta_2012.jpg Approaching the many expected date, the date that moves lately all media. We go to different mail questions regarding this data. Date December 21, 2012, to which the Mayan calendar ends. ...
Added: 09.12.2012
Views: 230248x

We need revival and reformation in our lives, not just words!

528_oziveni_a_reformace.jpg The faithful people are fervently praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit Who is promised that the work was completed, and Jesus Christ Could come to end ...
Added: 04.01.2012
Views: 227065x

Continue in the Reformation of our zealous forefathers

520_jan_hus_kostnice_1415.jpg Photo source: WikipediaWhole generations of Czech country was the center of the reformed faith throughout Europe. Each of us knows names like Jan Hus and Jan Zizka. But you know how ...
Added: 13.12.2011
Views: 203298x

Preparing for the end

514_egw-country_living.jpg "When it comes time tests, it turns out, who governed the life of God's word. In the summer there is no difference between evergreen and other trees so obvious. But when ...
Added: 23.11.2011
Views: 204863x

Persecution of the faithful believers in the time of the end

498_pronasledovani.jpg Anyone who studies the topic of time and the end of Sunday laws, they must know that hard times are ahead. There are several verses that persecution will occur, but note ...
Added: 17.10.2011
Views: 341110x

49 items, 4 Site to top back forward the end - Sign of the times the end of the world, the second coming of Jesus Christ.