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Seminar - Developing character

How to Find God


Seminar - Developing character

Added: 20.09.2011
Views: 139011x
Topics: How to Find God

Have you ever asked yourself a question, whether you can survive the awful crisis of the coming end of the world? The news is pointing to the fulfilment of the prophecies, but is our relationship with JESUS such that we can pass through it? People talk about the beast from the Bible - who could it be? In order to be clear in these questions we need to learn how to study the prophecies in the books of Daniel and Revelation. How shall we understand those scary symbols? Where is my place in this world-wide crisis? Can we depend only on the explanations of different preachers, or we have to learn ourselves how to understand important Bible prophecies? Can we rely upon information from "second-hand store" or we can learn by ourselves to recognize that still small voice of loving JESUS?

Could it be possible that I think about myself that I serve GOD and yet live in a catastrophic self-deception? How do I know whether I am on GOD'S side or Satan's side? After all, I don't steal, I regularly attend my church... Is that sufficient? Real character is revealed on surface only in the crisis! Perhaps with zeal I am explaining to others the prophecies from Revelation, I am pointing with my finger to the evil all around us and then - when I am already at home my closest ones suffer for my sarcasm, rudeness, selfishness, excuses and insults...

Before JESUS took the cross upen Himself for that infinitely long Via Dolorosa, He had to go through His lonely Gethsemane sweating the blood as He pondered whether to accept that bitter cup of sin, which He has offered to drink before the foundation of the world.

If you want to be able to stand face to face the pressure of compromises, you also have to learn what does it mean to have victory over self. Each one of us needs to experience his personal Gethsemane. Otherwise when the cross will be placed on us we will flee... flee away from ourselves! To posses Christ-like character, to be changed from selfish person into one who is self-sacrificing - that won't happen over night. That beast in us is much more dreadful than the one in Vatican! And you know it full well, those closest to you as well. Stop procrastinate this decision by keeping yourself busy with the multitude of activities. Accept, I beg you, accept this invitation and come with us to study the foundations of character building, which will pass even through the toughest crisis. Visit your neighbour and tell him or her that you wish to study this "most important work ever entrusted to human beings" together. Find one or two friends, that's all you need.

On this journey we offer you this promise:

Isaiah 30:20  And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy Teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy Teachers: 21  And thine ears shall hear a Word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

This seminar is offering the principles of Christian character building based on Scriptures and quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy.

Character development is said to be the most important work ever entrusted to human beings. During the next hour we will explore both our privilege and our responsibility to become Christ-like in character. Join us now for this powerful time of personal renewal as Pastor Stephen Wallace takes us "From Glory to Glory."

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