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Jesus Christ is God or a created being? - Part 1

How to Find God


Jesus Christ is God or a created being? - Part 1

Added: 10.03.2011
Views: 210650x
Topics: How to Find God

All these verses are to lead us to the realization that God, Creator of the universe and all life came personally to this earth in the body of the man, Jesus Christ died for our sin. He who is Lord of the universe, loved us and gave himself for me and you. When I think of the most incredibly great love, I long for a single. Being in the presence of their Creator and Redeemer, fall at His feet and thank me. And you?

Common name of the Father and the Son - JHVH proves the divinity of Jesus

God in the Bible in the book of Hebrews speaks of Jesus Christ as the Creator of everything. According to the previous verses, it is clear that JHVH refers to Jesus as the Creator, it creates unity with the Father.

Hebrews 1,8-10 - but the son says: "Your throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepter of justice is the scepter of your government. You love righteousness and hate evil, because you God, your God, anointed with oil of gladness above thy companions. "And:" In the beginning you, Sir, the country was founded, the work of thy hands are the heavens.

Matthew speaks of Jesus as Lord - JHVH. And other texts refer to the apostles of Jesus Christ as Lord. This is possible because only the inspired New Testament writers believed that Jesus Christ is the same God as JHVH - the translation of the Lord.

Matthew 3.3 - This is the one about which the prophet Isaiah spoke when he said: "A voice crying in the wilderness, Prepare the Lord's way! Make straight his paths straight "(Isaiah 40.3 caller's voice:" Prepare the way of the LORD in the wilderness, make the desert a highway for our God!)

Acts 4.12 - in no one else there is no salvation - people in the world is given another name, in which we must be saved "(Isaiah 43.11 I, myself am the Lord and there is no savior besides me.)

Ephesians 4.8 - Scripture says, "ascended to heights, seized the captives, distributed gifts to men. The fact that "spoke" to mean that before also went down to the ground. He who descended is the very one who ascended far above all heavens, that he might fill all things (Psalm 68.19 - He ascended the heights, captured prisoners you, you took the people as a gift, even those who revolt, he should Lord God dwell in us!)

Philippians 2.10 - Therefore God exalted him above all else, the name above every name he gave to his knees before the name of Jesus every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue to the glory of God the Father, has confessed that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Isaiah 45, 23 When I swear to myself, I offer words of mouth of truth, which can not be revoked: Before me every fall to his knees, and every tongue will swear at me. "Only in the Lord," they say of me, "the justice and power! ")

Jesus Christ is the Creator of man

The Bible says that man is created in the image and likeness of God. Note that speaks in the plural to our likeness. Scripture mentions several times that Jesus was always formed and that it applies the same words as in the Old Testament God the Father.

Genesis 1.26 - Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness!

Genesis 9.6 - as the image of God has God made man.

Philippians 2,7-8 - Instead he gave himself, has an essence of a servant, took on human form. He found himself in the body as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient, and to death - death on a cross!

Hebrews 1,2-3 - but in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he created the world. He is the brightness of his glory, and expression of its essence, its powerful word carries everything. He took care of the cleansing of sins, and then seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

John 8.58 - Jesus replied: "Verily, verily, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I am."

Matthew 16.27 - Son of man shall come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then render to each according to his deeds.

All things were created "through Him".

Jesus is the only agent of salvation, but also everything in heaven and on earth. All things were made through him and for him.

Romans 11.36 - Everything is from him, through him and for him! To him be glory forever! Amen.

Colossians 1,16-17 - Everything in heaven and on earth were created by him - what they see and what to see, thrones and dominions and powers. Through Him and for Him all things were created, and he is before all things and everything it stands.

Romans 11,34-36 - "Who knew the Lord's mind? Who had ever consulted about anything? "" Who gave it to him first, make him pay for it God? "Everything is from him, through him and for him! To him be glory forever! Amen.

John 1,10-11 - Was the world and the world stood by him, but the world knew him not. He came to His own, but his own received him not.

We call upon the name of Christ.

In these verses is the clear explanation of the name, which we believe first and then invoke it as well. Especially in the book of Romans 10, Paul proves the divinity of Christ in an interesting way. Sends text OT Joel 2, 32 (27) of Christ.

1 Corinthians 1,2 - Church of God in Corinth, sanctified in Christ Jesus, called saints and all who in any place call upon the name of our common Lord Jesus Christ:

Acts 9.14 - And now there is also the chief priests mandate to harness all who call upon thy name! "

Romans 10.11, 13 to 14 - For Scripture says: "Whoever believes in him shall not disappoint." Indeed, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." But how can call on Him in whom they believed? And how can they believe in Him of whom have not heard? And what they hear without a preacher?

Acts 4.12 - in no one else there is no salvation - people in the world is given another name, in which we must be saved! "

Colossians 3.17 - Whatever you do, whether in words or deeds, to do them all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Prayer to Christ.

When they stoned Stephen prayed to Christ. She professes that Jesus as the Creator gave him his spirit and now it takes you. They pray to forgive the sins of those who stoned him, because Jesus has the power to forgive.

Acts 7.59 - While they stoned him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."

Revelation of John 2.23 - When kill her children, all the churches shall know that I am he who searches mind and heart, and give to each of you according to your deeds.

Acts 1.24 - Then he prayed: "Thou, Lord, knowest the hearts of all people. Show which of the two you have chosen ... (In the Old Testament title "examen mind and heart" was designated the Lord - JHVH)

Jesus Christ is equal to God, but gave up their rights, and became man and one mediator between God and humans. The man Jesus Christ dwelt "fullness of the Godhead".

1 Timothy 2,5 - there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all men.

Philippians 2,6-7 - although he shared God's nature, its equality with him last. Instead, he surrendered himself, has an essence of a servant, took on human form. He found himself in the body as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient, and to death - death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him above all else, the name above every name he gave to his knees before the name of Jesus every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue to the glory of God the Father, has confessed that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Colossians 2,8-9 - Beware that you are being kidnapped philosophy empty deceit based on human tradition and the principles of the world, and not on Christ. In it is physically present all the fullness of the Godhead.

Romans 1.20 - the invisible characters - his eternal power and divine nature - is the creation of the world has reason to perceive in his work.

Other verses proving the Divinity of Jesus Christ in a 2 part article.

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