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Page 3 - Biblical Facts

The Bible is the oldest and most popular book of the world. The Bible is the source of truth and life. The Bible is a typeface inspired by our Creator.

Why can we trust the Bible?

Unity of its teachings - the Bible at 66 books, written by 40 writers in a range of about 1,600 years. Were farther apart, not only the environment but also time and space and yet is not inconsistent or contradictory. This testifies to the God as the author.

History and Archaeology - confirms that the events about which the Bible says really happened, because the characters, nations and cities actually existed.

Fulfillment of prophecy - demonstrates the truth of the prophets claim that their message comes from God our Creator.

Bible - No one could come to more humane and moral message, before bringing the Bible and how Jesus gave his words and life.

Objectivity - The Bible is unique also because respecter of his heroes, but it gives objective information about their positive and negative sites.

Influence of the Bible - The greatest proof of the Bible are people who really changed the Bible. People who were evil, cheat, lie and murder, but the action of the Bible have become completely different - new people.

We will try to uncover you are Biblical stories and truths that are written in this book.

50 items, 4 Site to top back forward the end

Millennium - millennial kingdom

305_milenium_tisicilete_kralovstvi.jpg The millennial kingdom is written a lot of confusion and delusions. Some people believe that the millennial kingdom is already here on earth, but most believe that it is yet to ...
Added: 07.01.2011
Views: 210463x

Approaching the court of God - get ready!

303_bozi_soud_milenium.jpg Many people would live differently if they realized that their lives will one day be judged on the ordeal. God's court is such an important event that it should address all ...
Added: 04.01.2011
Views: 194495x

Jesus was resurrected from the dead - six reasons to confirm this

287_nas_veleknez_jezis_kristus.jpg Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, buried and three days later rose from the dead. No other religion does not claim that its founder was resurrected. In that Christianity is unique. Any ...
Added: 08.12.2010
Views: 326591x

Bible, the God's Word - Why Can We Trust It?

285_bible.jpg The Bible is a book that was written during a long time span (16 centuries) by some 40 writers of different age, with different education and world view; they came from ...
Added: 07.12.2010
Views: 220742x

What is the seventh day of the week is Saturday or Sunday?

278_kalendar.jpg What is the seventh calendar day Saturday or Sunday? She was made a change? Many countries in its present, have seven calendar day Sunday. Many people are unaware that Saturday is just ...
Added: 29.11.2010
Views: 665964x

Jesus Christ, His life, death and resurrection

275_jezis_kristus_2.jpg The only means of atoning for human sin provided by God in Jesus Christ. In His life of perfect obedience to God's will, his suffering, death and resurrection. Those who by ...
Added: 25.11.2010
Views: 257477x

Reasons for the Second Coming of Christ to the world

247_duvody_prichodu_jezise_krista.jpg Jesus Christ dying for our sins, victory over evil - Satan and defeated him. He showed the entire universe, that God is love and yet we have sinned against God's law, ...
Added: 08.11.2010
Views: 173270x

Video - JESUS

199_film_jezis.jpg JESUS John Heyman is viewed and also the most translated film in cinema history. This film is historically closely on the life of Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? This question seeks to answer ...
Added: 03.11.2010
Views: 277015x

A criminal on the cross - is already in heaven, or when the second coming?

197_ukriyovani_jezis_kristus.jpg Luke 23, 42-43 - Then Jesus said: "Remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus replied: "Verily I say unto you, today you will be with me in Paradise." As evidence ...
Added: 02.11.2010
Views: 162678x

Why do the religious people have to suffer?

193_trpici_verici.jpg Surely you've ever wondered why so much suffering in the world. Yes, our country is now ruled by evil as Satan, who was overthrown in our country. He is here to ...
Added: 29.10.2010
Views: 155372x

The prophecy that Jesus is the Messiah foretold

191_jezis.jpg Individual books of the Old Testament were written in the years 1400-425 BC and found in them about 60 to 270 large and small messiah prophecies concerning the birth, life and ...
Added: 24.10.2010
Views: 269221x

Bible Prophecy - Daniel 2 - World History

182_socha_bible_daniel.jpg Bible Prophecy - The Statue of Daniel, an overview of the history of the world The Lord God is our planet's history firmly in their hands, with our country has big plans. ...
Added: 18.10.2010
Views: 326249x

What we believe - 4 Human Nature

166_cemu_verime_prirozenost_cloveka_bible.jpg 7th Human Nature A man and woman were created in God's image, individuality, and equipped with the ability to think and act freely. Although they were created as free beings, are dependent ...
Added: 07.10.2010
Views: 140602x

The rich man and poor Lazarus - Luke 16, 19-31

162_bible_lukas_16_19_31.jpg Above this chapter to puzzle many people - because they forget that this is a parable. Like other parables, Christ came to life representation of the rich and the poor Lazarus of ...
Added: 05.10.2010
Views: 307660x

What we believe - 3 Creature

154_cemu_verime_3_stvoreni.jpg 3 Creatures God is the Creator of all things in Scripture gave a reliable report on their creative work. In six days the Lord made heaven and earth and all earthly creation ...
Added: 29.09.2010
Views: 146761x

50 items, 4 Site to top back forward the end - Page 3 - Bible facts and truths.